Little can be said about this new incarnation of Dream. It is impossible to ever speak in absolutes of the Endless, for it is not for us to be able to comprehend their full nature. But even more so in the case of the new Dream, for all we know of him is very little. We know that he was once a human child named Daniel, but all that was mortal was burned away, and what was left was...transfigured. In appearance he is much like Morpheus, but white to Morpheus' black. He seems to be more concerned with the opinions and wills of others around him than Kai'Ckul. He shows more concern in a personal way for those that work for and with him, he is much less aloof. And at least in the beginning he was not as confident as Oneiros, but that may be due to the fact that he was new at his position, and may yet be subject to change. For perhaps this Dream will be more open to change than his predecessor.

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